Customer Engagement
April 9, 2019

Customer Engagement Strategies That Work

Customer Engagement Strategies

In order to build a strong brand, businesses need a great product along with excellent customer service. But with such a high number of businesses offering the same thing, how can you stand out from the crowd and create a level of customer engagement that fosters loyalty?

Improving your customer engagement can help to increase loyalty since customers are far more likely to keep returning to a brand that they regularly engage with. 

Firstly, What is Customer Engagement?

Customer engagement is all about encouraging your customers to interact and share in the experiences you create for them as a business and a brand. When executed properly, a strong customer engagement strategy will lead to brand growth and customer loyalty.

So, as you can see, customer engagement is really important, below are some effective ways of increasing your customer engagement.

Add Some Individuality to Your Brand

Customers are much more likely to engage with a brand that has a personality over a brand that appears robotic and emotionless. When you present your brand with its own personality, customers will feel as though they are talking to an actual human rather than just another brand. Therefore your customers will be more keen to interact with your business on an emotional level.

It’s a good idea to try to incorporate your brand’s voice into your content as even the smallest details can make a huge difference to your overall branding efforts.

Personalise Your Communications with Customers

Personalisation is a key aspect of any successful business strategy. If you’re looking to grow your brand, a good place to start is enhancing your customer engagement through personalised communications. 

By personalising your communications with your customers, your conversations will be much more relevant to them, making them more likely to listen to what you are saying and to engage with your brand. There are a number of ways to personalise how you communicate with your customers.

One way is to provide them with purchase recommendations and deals that are relevant to their interests and purchase histories. You could also send your customers marketing messages that are tailored to their needs or automate emails based on milestones such as birthdays. All of these can help to increase your customer engagement.

Reward Your Customers

Customers are more likely to engage with your brands if you reward them with something they like. So by rewarding your customers for taking certain actions, you’ll be able to create a positive feedback loop. Ways of rewarding your customers include special offers, discounts or coupons.

Rewards will significantly boost your customer engagement strategy efforts, as people will be more keen to interact with you when they are getting something in return. Plus, when you provide offers and rewards, you are creating an opportunity to engage in repeat purchases with your brand. Customers will keep coming back to redeem their offers and rewards, resulting in them developing a positive connection with your brand.

By giving your customers access to Propello rewards, you’ll be able to create a more personal connection with your customers, increasing customer engagement and loyalty as a result.

Share Your Customer Stories on Social Media

People will be far more likely to engage with content that involves consumers just like them, rather than with your brand’s messaging, this is because they can relate better to real people.

Using social media to share your customers’ stories is a great way to increase customer engagement. These stories can be in the form of reviews, testimonials, user-submitted photos etc. What’s more, you’ll be able to show your appreciation to your existing customers when you showcase their stories.

Create Opportunities for Direct Communication

When your customers have the opportunity to directly communicate with your brand, it will make it much easier for them to engage with you. This ease in communication between you and your customers will undoubtedly increase your engagement rates.

Ways to achieve this include enabling a live chat functionality on your website where you can quickly respond to customer queries, being active on social media and responding to emails from customers promptly.

Show the People Behind the Brand

As we mentioned earlier, people are more eager to interact with human beings rather than with brands. So as part of your customer engagement strategy, it’s a good idea to show your customers that there are real people behind your brand.

You can incorporate your brand personality when you are talking about your employees on your website. Or you can tell a short story that will help your customers to get to know your employees a bit more.

Allowing customers to get to know your team can massively help to humanise your brand as people will be more able to relate to your brand as a whole. This can result in a deeper connection and better engagement between you and your customers.

Come up With Some Fun Activities

If you want to engage your customers on a regular basis, you have to create the opportunity for them to do so. Coming up with some fun activities that require engagement with your brand can be a good idea. Examples of this could be anything from a giveaway to a Q and A session.


There are lots of ways to increase engagement with your customers in order to drive growth.  It’s important to humanise your brand and add your brand’s personality into your communications with your audience. Another vital aspect is to create opportunities for engagement to make it easier for people to communicate with you.


Propello provides a suite of reward based marketing tools which are designed to increase your customer engagement and loyalty. If you’re interested in finding out more about how Propello can benefit your business, contact us at or call 01254 878 956.

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